We're sure you'll find something that you'll love and find useful for your next adventure! All of our items are designed and printed by us right here in Fort Worth, TX and we hand make each one of our journals from beginning to end.
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We're sure you'll find something that you'll love and find useful for your next adventure! All of our items are designed and printed by us right here in Fort Worth, TX and we hand make each one of our journals from beginning to end.
These one of a kind journals are made from repurposed maps. They’re ready to go on any adventure with you.
Inside it has 120 pages, front and back. 12 of those pages are black drawing paper and the rest are 80lb recycled drawing paper. Each page measures 4.5” wide by 6” tall.
Each journal is unique and handmade. The maps vary from journal to journal, your journal may vary from the one pictured. Each page is hand-torn and the journal is hand-bound using black, waxed linen thread for added strength.